
Right now, I'm primarily offering two seminars: The Success Principles and The Forgotten Secrets of a Magical Marriage. I also offer bespoke seminars and keynotes tailored to your organization's needs. If that sounds like something you'd be interested in, please feel free to get in touch.

The Success Principles

How to get from where you are to where you want to be

Everybody yearns for success, yet most people find it eludes them no matter how hard they try. So they give up and settle for less, all while wondering why they can't achieve the same level of success that others can. The truth is that life doesn't come with a clear-cut instruction manual for success; but don't lose heart. Over the years, people across all fields and disciplines have achieved great success in their lives, and their successes have been documented and studied, and some shared threads were found - a set of principles that guaranteed them success, regardless of their chosen endeavor.

Now, these time-tested principles have helped hundreds of thousands of people achieve extraordinary success in their lives. Jack Canfield, America's #1 success coach, conducted his own research and, by drawing on his own experiences and those of others, has organized those principles into a ready-to-implement workshop titled The Success Principles.

Nagalakshmi has been certified by Jack Canfield to conduct the Success Principles workshop for anyone who is interested. This seminar will help individuals attain remarkable success in all aspects of their life. By participating in this experiential workshop, they will realize the immense potential they have to create everything they want in their life. This workshop, apart from inspiring and instilling confidence in them, also offers them the actual methods, techniques, action steps, and exercises they need in order to achieve what they want.

This workshop is aimed at helping people to:

  • Assume 100% responsibility for their life
  • Set goals for major areas of their life
  • Overcome fear, doubts, and limiting beliefs that hamper their progress
  • Build self-esteem and self-confidence
  • Overcome procrastination and jump into action
  • Deal with rejection and failure
  • Master the art of asking
  • Embrace change and use it to transform themselves
  • Stay positive in the midst of negativity
  • Build healthy, fruitful relationships with people.

The Forgotten Secrets of a Magical Marriage

How to sustain a joyful, fun, and lasting relationship

Life is an amazing gift. In it, we have the opportunity to embark on the wild and wonderful adventure that is marriage. Everyone dreams of a wonderful marriage, and no other event is celebrated with as much pomp and circumstance. It's the ultimate relationship: one where you find joy in loving someone unconditionally and doing everything to ensure they feel happy and fulfilled.

But in a lot of cases, the love couples share steadily declines and eventually fades away, leaving a big vacuum in their lives. Eventually they wind up feeling guilty, disappointed, or unhappy and start wondering where it went wrong, and eventually resign themselves to coming to terms with it. It then becomes a mere contractual agreement between the couple. Consequently, they give in to the myth that a happy marriage is limited to a lucky few couples and certainly not them. This seminar aims to bust that myth and make you realize that anyone can have a happy marriage if they work for it.

Nagalakshmi, who has been happily married for the past twenty-five years, brings to light in this seminar the age-old practices that guarantee a great marriage full of love and joy.

Participating couples will learn how important it is to:

  • Keep the flame of romance alive in your relationship
  • Appreciate your partner and recognize their efforts
  • Mutually respect each other and learn to grow together
  • Love unconditionally and express your love openly
  • Forgive and forget your partner's mistakes
  • Develop absolute trust in them
  • Commit yourself to making the relationship grow everyday
  • Be 100% supportive of them
  • Communicate honestly and listen empathetically
  • Celebrate lifelong intimacy.

Contact Me

Interested in booking me for a keynote, or just want to leave me a message? Either way, head on over to the Contact page.